Air Condition - Vehicle AC Repair and Gas Refill in North York
Air Condition - Vehicle AC Repair and Gas Refill in North York
Although many think the vehicle Air condition is a luxury feature and isolated system, the fact is faulty air condition can cause you more trouble than just an unpleasant trip, for example an air condition drive belt (serpentine belt) drives other components in your vehicle and a broken belt can lead to problem with alternator, power steering pump, water pump, air conditioning compressor, air pump and cooling fan.
Our experienced mechanics can help you with all your problems related to air condition, from AC Gas refill and recharge of refrigerant, exchange and installing a new compressor, changing AC belt and more.
Air Conditioner Repair:
Your vehicle AC system has a lot of moving part and they require regular maintenance just like any other component in your vehicle. Major parts of AC system are:
- Air condition refrigerant is a compound used in AC system to absorb and release the heat, by circulating through the AC system, changing from liquid to gas (and reverse).
- Air Condition compressor is the main part of your AC system, it compress and circulate the refrigerant gas in your AC system.
- The condenser on the the other hand is releasing the heat from refrigerant by cooling down the gas and turn it back to liquid.
- Evaporator cools down the warm air, by extracting the heat from air in order to let the liquid refrigerant to evaporate.
- Dryer or receiver is a liquid tank to store the refrigerant.
- Expansion valve regulating the flow of refrigerant into evaporator.
- Drive belt (serpentine belt or V-belt) is responsible to transfer the power from motor to other parts like compressor and condenser coils.
Shareway Auto Service offering complete air condition inspection, repair and replacement as well as gas refill at a fair competitive price.
Faulty Air Condition:
A faulty air condition not only can lead to unpleasant driving experience it can also cause damage to other part of your vehicle like alternator, power steering pump, water pump, air pump and cooling fan. If your air condition is not cooling, blowing hot air, making strange noise or leaking refrigerant make sure to see a mechanic before it cause more damage. Regular AC check up as part of maintenance and before summer is a good practice to keep your vehicle health.
Air Condition Gas Refill:
Air Condition Gas Refill:
AC Gas Refill (Refrigerant refill / AC Recharge)
While there are many DIY refill kit in the market, refilling your vehicle AC gas is not as simple as it may sound and often required a experienced mechanic to do it correctly. If your air condition is not blowing cool air, the problem may not simply be lack of gas, there might be a leakage which must be sealed before you fill the gas, other part such as compressor, expansion valve, receiver or dryer, condenser, … might also be the reason you AC is not cooling.
On the best scenario that everything else is functioning properly, still you need to know the exact amount and type of GAS your AC required, also you have to check and make sure there is no air in the system instead of GAS and if there is any, remove it before you fill the GAS to AC system.
At Shareway Auto we offer both R134A and 1234YF air condition refill gas and our expert mechanic check your vehicle AC system completely to make sure everything is working properly after we refill your AC GAS.