brake repair-services

Brake Repair and Services

Brake Repair and Services

One of the most essential parts of each vehicle’s safety is its brake system. Without a reliable and fully functioning brake system you should never consider driving your car.

Brake system has lots of part that must be taken care of, brake pedal, brake pads, disk and rotos, shoes, drums, brake fluid, … must be check as a regular maintenance to ensure your safety. Not paying attention to the brake system when required not only can lead to a costly repair, but it is also very dangerous.

The brake system’s job is to slow down or completely stop a moving vehicle by applying friction to the wheels. Over time, the friction causes the brake part such as pads and rotor to wear down and it is required to replace these parts to maintain the safety.

Shareway auto service offer a complete brake repair and service for all vehicle’s type, make and models at highest quality and fair price

Brake repair and services

Brake repair and services

From the hydraulic brake fluid, brake cylinder, power brake booster, disc brakes, electronic anti-lock brake sensors to brake pedal , brake pads and Brake shoes we offer high quality Brake services. As always, high quality part and service at low price is guaranteed.

Brake system is one of the most important part of your vehicle safety, any delays or pulsations in braking, or hearing unusual noises requires fast attention and assessment of your brake system.

A noisy brake or vibration of steering wheel or under driver seat may be signs thats your brake pad is worn and it is time to change the brake pads, avoiding to do so not only is dangerous it can damage other part of your brake system such as brake rotors. Lots of accident and further repair can be avoided if you visit your mechanic by first sign of brake wear down or noisy brake.

If you feel your brake is responding differently or slower (with delays) than before, make sure to bring your car as soon as possible to a professional mechanic and find out what is the problem.


Need to change your brake pads?
Contact us Today

Brake repair and replacement:

The brake system is a crucial part of a vehicle’s safety. If your brake is not fully functional or performing poorly, it is just a matter of time till you get into an accident. At Shareway Auto Service we offer complete fast and reliable brake checkup, maintenance, repair and replacement.

Signs of brake problem:

Signs of brake problem:

  • Delayed response when braking
  • squealing, grinding or any unusual noise when pushing on brake
  • Vibration or pulsing when braking
  • Feeling soft pedal or spongy when push on pedal
  • Burning smell when using brake
  • Moving on one side when braking
  • warning light such as brake light or brake fluid level light
  • Leaking fluid
a close up of a car brake pads and rotors

All you need to know about your vehicle’s brake.