car computer scanner - computer diagnostics

Vehicle Computer Diagnostics Services in North York

Vehicle Computer Diagnostics Services in North York

Vehicle computer diagnostic perform by digital analysis of your vehicle’s computer systems and its components. all modern vehicles come with a computer system and specialized software which monitors different features of your car, it then generate a specific code/report which can be analyzed for diagnosis and finding the problem. Your car also has lots of sensors for each feature, which also send a signal to vehicle’s computer system. If there is a problem detected by your car sensor or computer software software then it turns on the vehicle check-engine light (or other warning / sensor’s light corresponding to the feature/problem the vehicle may have).

Vehicle computer diagnostic test overview

Vehicle computer diagnostic is how your mechanic can find the underlying problem behind any engine trouble. During the diagnostic tests, the technician or mechanic scan your vehicle’s components system and computer using specialized device (scanner) to find the issues. It is important that your mechanic shop to use the right scanner, latest trusted software and expert diagnostician when scanning your vehicle.

IF your vehicle check engine light is on, the worst you can do is ignoring it, although often check engine light is for non-critical and non-urgent problem, ignoring it can lead to more serious problem and costly repair in future.  Although there are inexpensive devices like OBDII scanner every one can buy and use, they are almost always not complete, nor give you access to information manufactured reserved for its dealer, you need a professional scanner with latest update as well as knowledge and expertise especially if you driving newer model or luxury car such as BMW, Mercedes Benz, etc.

At Shareway auto service we use state of the art scanner with latest updated software, our certified mechanics and electricians will diagnose the problem and provide you with the report and appropriate solution.

Our Services

Vehicle Scanner

We use state of the art diagnostic scanner with latest software and update, which integrates everything an experts need to diagnose and repair your vehicle issues.

Vehicle diagnostic test procedure:

Vehicle diagnostic test procedure:

When you got a check-engine light or other sensor’s light on, the technician plug the diagnostic scanner to your vehicle’s computer interface, it then receive a code generated by the vehicle computer software and translate them into proper information regarding the problem. then the technician mechanics start the investigation to see what and where is the problem.

Depend on the vehicle make and model each unique code can translate to different information, while the code can narrow down the problem, the right scanner and updated software can help the diagnostician to find the problem and solution much faster.

At Shareway auto service, once we find the problem and solution, we inform the client with steps required to fix it as well as the cost for repair including all required parts (if any) and labor. You can rest assure our skilled diagnostician provide you with the correct safe solution and fair price.