
Timing Belt - Timing Chain Repair and replacement in North York

Timing Belt - Timing Chain Repair and replacement in North York

A timing belt, timing chain or cam belt is a part of your vehicle internal combustion engine. It is one of the most important maintenance item that you need to change at certain kilometres.

Timing Belt – Timing Chain

If The timing belt / timing chain fails, so does your engine, causing your car to shut down. Depend on your car’s make and model, a timing belt (or timing chain) needs to be replaced at recommended service intervals at certain Kilometres, fail to replace your vehicle timing belt / timing chain can lead to catastrophe and huge repair cost since it can lead to engine failure.

If your vehicle is due for a new timing belt, make sure to contact you mechanic as soon as possible, and if you don’t know if or when your vehicle is up for a new timing belt, make sure to find it out and make a note of it or contact us today and we can help.

Shareway Auto Service offering fast and secure timing belt replacement at lowest and competitive price.

Available Services at Shareway Auto

Signs of  bad Timing Belt / Timing Chain:

If your engine is not turning-on, misfires or it has a rattling sound or if you see any sign of wear on belt make sure to contact your mechanic as soon as possible and change your timing belt if require. If your timing belt break, your engine stop working.

What is a timing belt and what it does?

What is a timing belt and what it does?

A timing belt or timing chain job basically is synchronizing the mechanical and moving part of the engine, for example it responsible for engine’s crankshaft and camshaft movement so exhaust valves and pistons to open and close at the exact precise time.

The timing belt is usually made of rubber but it is not uncommon to see belt made from polyurethane or neoprene. The belt structure is reinforced with nylon chords or corded fibres and surface is usually reinforced with a fabric covering.

If the timing belt not change on time, it can break and cause the valves to be open at the wrong time which lead to engine failure and major damage.

for example if intake valves open early, amount of fuel-air flowing into the combustion chamber will be more leading to poor combustion, and if exhaust valves open early, the combustion chamber loose pressure, either way your engine loose power. Out of sync engine component can lead to real damage and and costly repairs.

Timing belt is more common in older vehicle while newer vehicle use a timing chain instead.

Timing Belt  vs. Timing Chain:

Timing Belt vs Timing Chain:

Depending on your vehicle model, you might have a timing chain instead of a timing belt. A timing chain is made of metal, housed with engine and last longer but functions the same as a timing belt. Timing belt is more common in older vehicle while newer vehicle use timing chain since they offer a longer life span. Although recently some manufacturers using timing belt again since friction loss is less with the timing belt. To answer the question which one is better we should say both system are working fine and it should not be a concern or choosing factor when you purchase a vehicle.